What is God's plan for us?

Question 1.

Q 1. What is God’s plan for us?

See also Catechism 1-25.

This question sets the scene for the whole story of God’s plan to reveal himself to us. The answers given here will serve as an introduction to all the articles on the Creed. Question 1 will be examined from nine different angles.

First we see the beginning of God’s plan, the earthly paradise we see described in Genesis 1-2. Yet this beginning of God’s larger plan was ‘derailed’ by human resistance, so in our second perspective we see God’s plan revealed in history as a plan of salvation. In the third we look from the perspective of God as a loving Father, who sees us as little children. Fourthly we consider how God’s plan is not only a large, cosmic plan for all of humanity and the world itself, but is embodied in a personal plan, a vocation for each human being. Fifthly we see that God’s plan is not a rigid blueprint, prescribing every detail, but a cooperative plan that leaves open a space for human creativity. Sixthly we consider how God’s plan includes everyone, even the ‘lost sheep’. Next we consider in more detail how God’s plan is a sovereign plan and achieves its objective in spite of human resistance. That is, God’s eternal will can be seen as the encompassing and irresistible plan, while incorporating within itself a series of ‘contingency plans’ taking into account our cooperation, or lack thereof. Finally we look at God’s ultimate plan to share with us the intimate life of the Holy Trinity in the ‘heavenly feast’.

  1. An Earthly Paradise
  2. A Plan of Salvation
  3. A Child of God
  4. A Personal Plan
  5. A Cooperative Plan
  6. A Lost Sheep
  7. A Sovereign Plan
  8. Contingency Plans
  9. A Heavenly Feast